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Stark Tower-Iron Man IV [Beta]

Скачать бесплатно без регистрации Stark Tower-Iron Man IV [Beta]: Ландшафт / Постройки для GTA 4 - Моддинг GTA 4
Башня Stark Tower - Iron Man IV

Этот мод заменяет в GTA IV здание GetALife Building на штаб-квартиру Мстителей – небоскреб Stark Tower.

В этой версии еще мало реквизита для внутреннего заполнения здания и прочих мелких деталей, вроде оконного света, поэтому ждите обновлений к этому моду в ближайшее время.

Чтобы попасть на крышу башни, нужен вертолет или костюм Тони Старка из мода Iron Man IV.
Внутри башни нельзя спать и сохранять игру.
  • Автор конверта в GTA IV: H1Vltg3
  • Авторы демонстрационного видео: H1Vltg3, russakdima, 123123, jroc381, Kolinsasa, kept9
В архиве присутствует костюм Iron Man'а.

Файл добавил:

Все материалы от Alex9581
Версия: Beta
Размер: 17.6 МБ
Просмотров: 7022
Скачиваний: 899
Категория: Ландшафт / Постройки для GTA 4
Добавлен: 2013-11-19, 19:17
Теги: map, IV, MAN, Tower-Iron, stark, H1Vltg3
Похожие материалы:

Stark Tower-Iron Man IV [Beta]

Stark Tower BETA - Iron Man IV - GTA IV PC Mod Modeled and Textured by H1Vltg3 This model replaces the GetALife building in GTA IV with Stark Tower from The Avengers. This is the 2nd time I have modeled the tower, this is much more accurate then the previous. I have run out of time lately for making props to fill the tower so I have decided to release it as is for the time being and update it when I create more. I am aware of the smoothing issues and plan on finishing the Window Lights as soon as possible. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: **Before starting make a backup of PC/data/maps/manhat/manhat07.img and manhat07.ide** 1. Download and Install latest version of OpenIV from openiv.com 2. Extract the contents of this rar to your Desktop 3. Navigate to the "/Stark Tower BETA/PC/data/maps/manhat/manhat07.img/" folder on your Desktop 4. Run OpenIV, select GTA IV 5. In Open IV, navigate to "/data/maps/manhat/" and double-click on manhat07.img 6. In Open IV, click EDIT MODE button 7. Drag the contents (11 files) of the "/manhat07.img/" folder into OpenIV 8. After OpenIV has imported the files (You will not get a notice that it has done so), click File>Rebuild 9. On you Desktop, navigate to "/Stark Tower BETA/PC/data/maps/manhat/" 10. Copy the manhat07.ide file to your games "PC/data/maps/manhat/" folder 11. Run the game! Notes: You can verify the tower is installed correctly by double clicking on b4_getalifeu_mh7.wdr in OpenIV, you should see the tower model. You will need either Iron Man IV or a helicopter to enter the upper floors of the tower. You can not save your game at the tower or sleep in the tower.


File added:

All files uploaded by Alex9581
Version: Beta
File size: 17.6 МБ
Views: 7022
Downloads: 899
Category: Landscape
Date: , 19:17
Tags: map, IV, MAN, Tower-Iron, stark, H1Vltg3
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