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+12 Trainer - Трейнер для GTA 5

Скачать бесплатно без регистрации +12 Trainer - Трейнер для GTA 5: Трейнеры для GTA 5 - Моддинг GTA 5
+12 Trainer от LinGon, это первый трейнер для GTA 5 на PC.

Для того, чтобы снизить возможные проблемы при запуске трейнера, советуем запускать его до запуска GTA 5.
Также возможно вам придется отключить антивирус.

Трейнер работает на версии steam v1.01

Горячие клавиши:
F1 - Бессмертие.
F2 - Бесконечные патроны.
F3 - Оружие не требует перезарядки.
F4 - Изменить количество денег (сначала введите сумму в сам трейнер).
F5 - Супер скорость.
F6 - Сброс уровня розыска.
F7 - Отключение розыска вовсе (копы никогда вас не начнут искать).
F8 - Бесконечное время на использование специальной способности.
Page Down - замедление времени.

Клавиши Num 7, Num 8, Num 9, Num 0 - телепорт.


Файл добавил:

Все материалы от SandWicH
Размер: 1,81
Просмотров: 18026
Скачиваний: 3184
Категория: Трейнеры для GTA 5
Добавлен: 2015-04-15, 14:42
Теги: LinGon, trainer, GTA 5, +12 Trainer, трейнер
Похожие материалы:

+12 Trainer - Трейнер для GTA 5

Game/Trainer Title::                                           Grand Theft Auto V +12 Trainer - LinGon                 


 - Trainer Troubleshooting & Info!

   - For problems getting trainer to work please read below info first -


Before using this trainer make sure
 to disable any running firewalls or possible antivirus Programs running in the back.
     My trainer may sometimes alert such applications as antivirus programs and malware programs, this is due to the protection used on most of my trainers.
     If you are unaware of whats called "False Positive" files then you may not be aware that these types of files are completely harmless and is infact just seen as such but are not.
     My files are completely clean from any type of viruses or mallware and the like, they have not even been near to such and will not harm your system in anyway.
     If you feel uncomfortable and not do not trust any of the above provided info, then please avoid using my trainers because i cannot help you then.


Run the trainer in administrator mode even though you might be logged on as admin.
     To run the trainer as administrator, right click the trainer file and select properties/Compatibility and select "run this program as an administrator".

   3/Make sure to disable windows UAC if your OS is using this - User Account Controller.

   4/Make sure to close all open unnecessary running applications, Background applications can sometimes cause interference with the trainer, preventing it from running/working properly.
     In this case make sure all such are closed before you start the game and the trainer. Sometimes the trainer may need to be restarted while the game is still running and reactivated in order to work.

   5/Make sure that you are not running your game in any kind of virtual environment: E.G Sandboxie, Virtualbox, or Hyper-V for windows 8 etc.... -
     Sometimes these needs to be uninstalled completely in order for the trainers to work.

   6/Make sure to read where and when to activate the specific trainer in use.
     Most times the trainer can be activated while at the games menu and afterwards while inside game,
     but sometimes the game need's to be loaded into the game itself before it can be activated and work properly.
     If such activation is needed it will be noted under "Specific Trainer Activation Notes:"

     If you still have trouble getting the trainer/trainers to work, then i am sorry , you will have to try other things yourself.

   7/Make sure you have latest VB net framework installed on your system.
     This trainer needs atleast Netframework v4.5 installed in order to function properly.
     Also make sure to install Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package x86/
     Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 SP1 Redistributable Package x64 and any new updates if any.

   8/Still have any problems activating or running the trainer, make sure to restart your windows/PC,
     In order for windows to clean out anything that might prevent it from working properly this will solve most of those situations.

    If you still have trouble getting the trainer/trainers to work, then i am sorry, you will have to try other things yourself.
 - :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

 - = = = = == = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =  - -
 - = = = = == = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =  -

 - Game Version Specific's: Grand Theft Auto V - v1.01
 - ::::::::::::::::::::::::

 - Released: 14 April 2015
 - :::::::::

 - Updated:
 - :::::::

   Specific Trainer Activation Notes:
 - ::::::::::::::::::::::::

 - = = = = == = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =  -
 - = = = = == = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =  - -

                        - Hotkey/Options And Effect -

     HOME Key - Trainer Activation HotKey!

      F1 - Infinite Health
      - This keeps you alive and well.

      F2 - Infinite Ammo
      - Your ammo wont run out.

      F3 - No Reload    
      - Removes the need to reload you guns.

      F4 - Set Money Amount From Input
      - Allows you to set a custom amount for cash/money.
      Use the provided input box on the trainer front to set your desired amount.
      Next press this hotkey F4 in game while playing, to view the updated amount , eenter the game menu.

      F5 - Super Speed
      - Allows you to run faster.

      F6 - Reset Wanted Level
      - Let's you instantly reset your wanted level.

      F7 - Never Wanted
      - Your never wanted unless you go crazy with the cops.
      If you do they might shoot back at you.

      F8 - Infinite Franklins Special Abilities
      - Franklins special abilities wont run out.

      Page Down Key - Bullet Time/Slowmotion

      Waypoint Teleporter:
      Number 7 - Do Waypoint Teleportation

      Number 8 - Store Location
      Number 9 - Teleport
      Number 0 - Undo Teleportation

      See Trainer info  more Options & Effects

    ----> For Additional options please view the trainer!


 - = = = = == = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =  -
 - = = = = == = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =  -

 - Extra Note:

   Preferably start the "Game first" - Next one's the game is running, minimize the game and run the trainer!
   which ever order should work in most cases, but starting Game first is recommended, next use Alt Tab to minimize the game and run the trainer, next restore the game and Activate the trainer!

 - Trainer Requests And Extra Notes!
   To request a trainer or any specific options you may contact me through my youtube channel via PM/private messages with your request - Any request posted elsewhere will be ignored.
   You are also welcomed to support me by making any kind of donations through my blog using the link to my paypal where you may donate to show your support.
   Any support is appreciated!
   Also note, I mostly always put priority on trainers for newer game titles first before i do any requests and i do not do all kinds of requests,
   also you may have a bigger chance of getting your request done by supporting me.

- :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

 - Author: LinGon

   Since 2008

   Finaly Enjoy!



File added:

All files uploaded by SandWicH
File size: 1,81
Views: 18026
Downloads: 3184
Category: Трейнеры для GTA 5
Date: , 14:42
Tags: LinGon, trainer, GTA 5, +12 Trainer, трейнер
Related downloads:
Всего комментариев: 6
Золотой комментарий:
6 nemec_adidas   (2015-04-15 20:33) [Материал]
Таблетка уже появилась.. только для win7x64..
5 SandWicH   (2015-04-15 20:22) [Материал]
А при чем тут кряк?
Игроков на лицензии ты не замечаешь? )
4 LoDer   (2015-04-15 20:16) [Материал]
В gta online его ни в коем случае не включайте будет очень плохо!
3 caine011   (2015-04-15 16:39) [Материал]
очень надеюсь что этот ролик был снят на компе значительно слабее моего...Если будут такие лаги то я пожалуй пас играть в нее.Пишут в системных требованиях ерунду полную что ли ?
2 FenixZ   (2015-04-15 15:13) [Материал]
не успели крякнуть как уже читы,в онлайне то надеюсь не работает?
1 kosmile   (2015-04-15 15:09) [Материал]
Заманчиво, но НЕТ !!
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